Imaging and Neurophysiology Core

The aims of the Imaging and Neurophysiology Core are as follows:

  1. To provide consultative services (pre-project implementation) with study design and implementation, cohort, feasibility, and statistical considerations. To provide similar consultative services for grant preparation. In both cases with attention to providing this guidance at reduced cost for junior investigators, K grants, and first time R01 applicats. To work in a coordinated fashion with other cores to optimize study design.
  2. To help IDDRC member investigators implement state of the art and cost-efficient neuroimaging data acquisition, including specifying imaging acquisition parameters, optimizing data output, mock scanner training and use to conduct non-sedated infant scanning to maximize the range of age and disability for patient enrollment and participation.
  3. To conduct educational seminars in neuroimaging and to facillitate collaborative interactions with investigators with technical strengths outside of neuroimaging. To conduct "speed dating" amongst imaging and non-imaging focused IDDRC investigators to promote novel collaborations and to allert investigators to the full range of relevant projects within and outside of the IDDRC.
  4. To advance technical development to provide novel insights into IDDRC projects and patient populations.