
Bryan King, MD, MBA

IDDRC Co-Director
Professor of Psychiatry

My research and clinical work has largely focused on psychiatric aspects of developmental disorders, and upon the pathogenesis and treatment of significant behavioral disturbance in autism and related disorders in particular. In recent years, this focus has been primarily directed on interventions in autism including both pharmacological and psychosocial treatments.

Elliott Sherr, MD, PhD

IDDRC Director
Professor of Neurology

Dr. Elliott H. Sherr is a pediatric neurologist dedicated to caring for children with neurological disorders and to finding the causes and best treatments for these diseases. He has a focus on treating children with MRI-visible disorders of brain development – patients who frequently have epilepsy, developmental delay and autism. He also co-directs UCSF's program for care of children with neurological diseases caused by abnormal metabolism, such as phenylketonuria.